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What are the different types of communication?

Communication is basically a sharing of ideas,emotions,feelings or message etc. It means to share. There are some types of communication as follows: 1)Verbal communication: Words are involved in it. Could be spoken or written words as well. For example, billboards on roads, an anchore person( who read news). etc 2)non verbal communication: It includes actions and body languages. Only signs , symbols and gestures are involved. 3) Interpersonal communication: In this type of communication, two or more people communicate and exchange knowledge. 4) Intra personal communication: Talk with our own self is called intra personal communication. 5) Small group communication: Where everyone have opportunity to ask something (any question) or opportunity to speak. 6) large group communication: For example, croud 1 speaker and thousand lisners. We don't have an opportunity to speak or to stop speaker due to large croud. 5) Mass communication: Delivery of the message through mass.(communicate with masses). For examples, Tv , Radio , Internet are the ways of mass communication. So , communication is actually inscapable. We can't escape or avoide it. Now a days everything is communicating with us and there is no concept of life without communication.

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